Case Studies - Jamaica Constabulary Force

Our Approach

ICPS has significant experience in the delivery of training programmes on the subjects of governance and anti-corruption. We allocated one of our seminar production and content team to design the content of the training. Our team designed the content of the training and liaised with the JCF on several occasions initially to ensure that the brief was understood by us and to make initial proposals.

At this stage, we identified two of our expert trainers who were best suited to deliver this content in context. Their expertise was also drawn upon in terms of input into the content and the approach we planned to take. Once these different inputs had been incorporated into a specially tailored programme, sent to the client and circulated among senior police officers for their input and feedback, further discussions took place to outline additional specifications.

These amendments were then incorporated into the programme, and a further liaison established whether these changes had managed to include all of the information required. Our content team then organised the programme into a coherent, logically flowing whole so that the information presented and the identified learning outcomes could be most effectively delivered.

Our logistics team then moved into operation to ensure that the trainers’ flights and accommodation in Kingston Jamaica were booked and the training materials couriered to the JCF in Jamaica in good time for the event.


ICPS provided two of our expert trainers with very significant international experience in governance, strategic implementation and anti-corruption. One is a former senior civil servant and the other is a former high-level anti-fraud police officer, both of whom have consistently provided high-quality training in these subject areas.

Our approach to designing and delivering the training was a mixture of presentations, workshops, opportunities for delegate input, facilitated discussions, feedback sessions and action planning strategy sessions.

The programme included the following subjects:

  • Analysis of corruption as a global phenomenon, and approaches by nations and supra-national organisations such as the UN to deal with it effectively.

  • Examinations of how corruption typically becomes entrenched in different contexts, and what can be done to make changes in behaviour and attitudes.

  • Political, public sector, private sector and financial corruption, and the impact of corruption in global and national terms.

  • Discussion and analysis of Local laws and current initiatives in progress in Jamaica and the progress being made in the JCF anti-corruption strategy 2012-2015.

  • The role of good governance in the work of the constabulary.

  • Police-specific and JCF-focused workshops.

  • Workshops on strategic implementation of UNCAC principles and other global dimensions into local practice for the JCF.

  • Workshop on working with international partners in the context of anti-corruption strategies and implementation plans.


Feedbacks from some of our attendants.