International Events

The International Centre for Parliamentary Studies organise a range of conferences focusing on international affairs. These major conferences provide an opportunity for leading thinkers and policy makers to share best practice and hear about the latest ideas and initiatives in their field. Taking place at locations across the world, these conferences have become must-attend events for anyone involved in shaping and delivering public policy.

Previous conferences have included:

  • Alzheimer's Europe Roundtable, 25th September 2018, Brussels
  • 5G Infrastructures Roundtable, 25th September 2018, Brussels
  • Kidney Cancer Europe Roundtable, 26th September 2018, Brussels
  • Smart Cities Europe Roundtable, 9th October 2018, Brussels
  • Lung Cancer Europe Roundtable, 6th November 2018, Brussels
  • Rare Diseases Europe Roundtable, 7th November 2018, Brussels
  • 17th International Electoral Affairs Symposium, December 2018

Past Speakers

Past speakers at our International events have included: