In-House/Group Training

The International Centre for Parliamentary Studies successfully delivers a significant number of in-house training and consultancy events each year. As well as our open programmes in London, we have the capacity and experience to deliver high quality training for your organisation on your own premises, meeting your specific requirements and focusing on issues that are most relevant to you and your colleagues.

All of our programmes can be tailored to fit in with your precise training needs. We have experts who can modify the content of all of our programmes to suit the exact context in which you are working and we have a well established process of discussing clients' particular needs and delivering a tailored agenda to meet these. In-house training is often a more cost effective solution for larger group training, and we can also offer the same Chartered Management Institute certification to all those attending the training, even if it is delivered in your home country.

What Are The Benefits Of In-House Training?

There are a range of benefits to running bespoke electoral training for both individuals and employers.

  • Cost Effective:

    In-house training reduces the cost per participant significantly as there are no additional travel or accommodation costs for participants.

  • Tailored to your needs:

    The training programme can be tailored to meet your specific needs and to cover the subject areas that are most important to you. Click here for a Case Study of how this process works.

  • Expert Trainers and Speakers:
    ICPS is able to draw upon a wide range of leading international experts to ensure that we deliver the best training possible.
  • Professional Accreditation:

    If you choose to run a tailored version of one of our Professional Certificates, we can offer the same Chartered Management Institute (CMI) certification to all those attending the training, even if it is delivered in your home country.

  • Continual Professional Development:
    Participants will improve their professional capabilities and skills.
  • Applied and practical:

    The knowledge and skills learnt are immediately applicable in the workplace.

  • Sharing The Cost:

    It is possible to partner with other organisations in your region to split the cost.

Our Approach To In-House

Our approach to in-house training will be a collaborative approach stepping through each of the following areas:

  • Consultation

    We work closely with our clients from the outset to ensure we develop an in-depth understanding of your requirements, culture, existing knowledge, and the specific challenges you are facing. Through this collaborative process we are able to create a clear brief with measurable objectives and outcomes.

  • Design

    Having established a clear brief, we then select a team of our key experts who are best suited to the project. We then develop a draft training programme, outlining the subject areas to be covered and the key learning outcomes.

  • Development

    At this stage we send the draft training programme to the client and then discuss with them whether it meets their requirements. If there are any changes or adjustments to be made, the programme is revised and sent back. This process continues until the course content is finalised and agreed upon.

    The next stage is to develop the training content and materials for the course, including all necessary handouts, notes and background reading.

  • Logistics

    Our logistics team will ensure all travel and accommodation for the experts are arranged. Any handouts and training materials will also be couriered in advance to the client.

  • Delivery

    We use high-calibre trainers and speakers to deliver our training, and have a range of internationally renowned experts to draw upon. The training we deliver is highly interactive, as our experience has shown that participatory learning is the most effective method of embedding new knowledge and skills. As well as expert presentations, we make extensive use of workshops, interactive case studies, and problem-solving sessions.

    Our training always showcases leading thinking, key theories and best practice. However, it is specifically designed so that it is not overly-theoretical, but instead is highly practical, enabling delegates to take the knowledge and skills they have learned and immediately apply them in the workplace. From the outset of the course our trainers will ensure they understand each individual delegate’s professional background and requirements, and will then adapt the training accordingly to ensure each delegate’s training needs are met.

  • Evaluation

    Upon conclusion of the training delegates are asked to complete a formal written evaluation of the programme. We also undertake more informal evaluation, by speaking to the participants throughout the delivery of the training and finding out whether it is meeting their needs and expectations. This method allows us to respond immediately and enables the training to be adapted to meet the needs of the participants. (Kirkpatrick Level 1) In addition to Kirkpatrick Level 1, we can also offer the further 3 levels of Kirkpatrick’s evaluation framework when required.

    Level 2 (Learning) – We can measure the resulting increase in knowledge and capability by conducting a test both before and after the training has taken place. This test would determine if learning transfer has occurred, and would measure what knowledge was learned and what skills were developed.

    Level 3 (Behaviour) & Level 4 (Results) We can measure the extent of behaviour and capability improvement and implementation/application, and the specific effects on the client’s work resulting from the trainee's performance. We would achieve this through liaising with and surveying the senior managers of the participants.

Case Studies


ICPS has significant experience in the delivery of training programmes on the subjects of governance and anti-corruption. Our team designed the content of the training and liaised with the JCF on several occasions initially to ensure that the brief was understood by us and to make initial proposals.


ICPS has trained hundreds of senior staff from around the world in the field of regulatory affairs and our expertise in this field is substantial. Our approach was initially to arrange a face-to-face meeting with one of the organisation`s senior staff to discuss the precise content areas on which they wished to focus, and those which were not considered to be important.

Some Of Our Clients

We are honoured to have provided in-house training for all of the following clients:

More Information

Contact us to discuss your organisation's training needs.