European Events

Public Policy Exchange holds regular symposiums aimed at providing a high-level forum for discussion, debate and exchange of best practices between senior EU policymakers and stakeholders across Europe. These international events take place within the heart of the EU district in Brussels, home to the European Parliament, Commission and central institutions of policy formulation and scrutiny. Delegates are welcomed with refreshments and a networking lunch follows the morning session. As the formal sessions draw to a close, participants are invited to join for an informal networking reception to allow for more relaxed discussion and exchange of ideas.

Current and past policy platforms created include:

  • University Rankings and Higher Education Standards
  • Human Trafficking
  • Migrant Health & Well-being
  • Gender Equality
  • Health Tourism and Patient Safety
  • Alcohol and Drug Misuse
  • Tackling Poverty
  • E-Commerce
  • Domestic Violence
  • Sustainable Development / Sustainable Lifestyles
  • Tackling Obesity


For further details please visit the Public Policy Exchange website.