Individual Resilience and Wellbeing

Course Overview

This two-day programme is for managers, leaders and individuals wishing to deepen their understanding of resilience and wellbeing in the workplace … what it looks like and how to facilitate it.

The World Health Organisation defines wellbeing as “the state in which an individual realises his or her own abilities, can cope with normal stresses of life, can work productively, and is able to make a contribution”. Our programme examines what makes for a sense of wellbeing and explores the impact the workplace can have on teams and individuals within those teams.

Specifically, our programme examines the relationship between wellbeing and resilience … the ability to cope with, and adapt to, new situations and challenging circumstances. We explore how individuals can facilitate a sense of resilience, and the role of managers and leaders in supporting this, as well as introducing our unique resilience facilitators model.

Learning Outcomes

By the end of this interactive programme, participants will develop their understanding of wellbeing and the supportive and negative impact the workplace can have on wellbeing.  They will explore individual resilience in the workplace and how it can be facilitated.

Specifically, participants will:

  • understand wellbeing, what it looks like and the role of individual employees, managers and leaders in delivering it
  • explore the impact the workplace can have on wellbeing
  • test the applicability of PERMA, Action for Happiness and related models
  • understand what resilience means when considering the individual in the workplace
  • explore the ability of individuals to develop resilience
  • be introduced to our resilience facilitators model.
