E-Learning Courses

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The Successful Managers Toolkits for the Public Service

A collection of five essential courses designed to enhance your writing, leadership, managerial, communication, and innovation skills in the public sector.


Effective Policy Development Suite for the Public Service

Featuring four comprehensive courses covering strategic planning, implementation, evaluation, behavioral insights, and future-oriented thinking


Effective Writing Skills for the Public Service

Learn to craft clear, concise, and impactful messages to effectively engage with diverse audiences.


Leading for Success in the Public Service

Cultivate leadership qualities and inspire your team to achieve collective goals.


Managing for Success in the Public Service

Hone your managerial abilities to drive operational efficiency and productivity.


Communicating for Success in the Public Service

Enhance your communication strategies to foster collaboration and understanding.


Innovation and Change for Success in the Public Service

Learn different dimensions and components that help to manage change and innovate successfully


Introduction to Effective Strategic Policy Planning

Lay the groundwork for successful policy planning and development


Policy Implementation and Evaluation

Learn how to effectively implement and evaluate policies for optimal outcomes.


Policy Behavioural Insights

Analyze the behavioral aspects of policy-making to ensure greater public acceptance and success.


Policy Futures Thinking

Explore innovative approaches and foresight techniques to craft forward-looking policies.


Core Skills for Public Service Professionals

Featuring four comprehensive courses covering effective writing skills, communicating for success, project management fundamentals and fundamentals of public financial management


Advanced Public Service Leadership Programme

Featuring four comprehensive courses covering leading for success, advanced project and programme management, advanced public financial management and developing a strategy


Project and Financial Management Suite

Featuring four comprehensive courses covering project management fundamentals, advanced project and programme management, fundamentals of public financial management and advanced public financial management


Strategic Policy Mastery Programme

Featuring four comprehensive courses covering induction to effective strategic policy planning, developing a strategy, behavioural insights and effective policy implementation and evaluation


Strategic Communication and Planning Suite

Featuring four comprehensive courses covering effective writing skills, communicating for success, developing a strategy and project management fundamentals


Developing a Strategy in the Public Service

Learn to develop and implement visionary strategies that drive long-term success in public sector organisations.


Project Management Fundamentals

Master the essential principles and tools to effectively plan, execute, and control projects in the public service context.


Advanced Project & Programme Management

Improve your project management skills to oversee complex, large-scale initiatives and drive transformative change in the public sector.


Fundamentals of Public Financial Management

Gain a solid foundation in budgeting, financial reporting, and resource allocation specific to government operations.


Advanced Public Financial Management

Develop strategic financial acumen to optimise fiscal policy, long-term planning, and performance-based budgeting in public sector contexts.